Email ID-, Contact No.- +91 9073480040
Majhipara Ambedkar Centre for Human Research and Development (MACHRD)


Majhipara Ambedkar Centre for Human Research and Development is convinced and is a believer of the maxim that a good healthy mother is instrumental in making a good healthy family which in turn ensures a good healthy society, culminating ultimately into a resounding and vibrant Nation. As a major activity, MACHRD organizes and conducts health camps both in urban and rural segments throughout the State; in such camps, economic

ally weak women and children are given preference for free health checkup, medicine and medical consultation. In between, intensive seminars and workshops are held in association with Schools and Colleges for generating awareness among adolescent girls and working women as to how to maintain and live a healthy and hygienic life, evolving into a life style. Yearly average three thousand women and adolescent girls frequent these health camps. These Health Camps have become popular with the poor and marginalized as well as the District authority. Now the local CBOs and CSOs plan months ahead and invite MACHRD for conducting the Health Camp.


It is an ongoing process that villages in Birbhum District are covered through yearly camps for Hepatitis B vaccination. The camps are organized in association with the District Authority and Doctors’ Mass Vaccination. In the course of past ten years 140 villages (over 2500 beneficiaries) in this District have been serviced.

Majhipara Ambedkar Centre for Human Research and Development (MACHRD)


In association with District Health Authority and Local CBOs, camps and workshops are organized on regular basis to make the rural population aware of the deadly disease of Thalassemia. Schools, Colleges and Gram Panchayats are targeted to spread the message of early detection and continuous follow up through Nestroft blood test and medical advice. In between, counseling sessions are also organized for marriageable youth, educating them as to how to tackle the disease before and after the marriage with special significance to children. Over three thousand men, women and children in the District have benefited from such activity.

Majhipara Ambedkar Centre for Human Research and Development (MACHRD)


Formation and nurturing of Self Help Groups has been one of the major activities of MACHRD since 2008. Mothers at Panchayat level hailing from BPL category are encouraged and assisted to form Micro-finance SHGs. Through intervention of MACHRD, the SHGs are recognized by the commercial Banks and assisted with issue of short-term loans to the SHGs. The members of the SHGs under strict supervision of MACHRD, utilize these loans for furthering of individual entrepreneurship and income generation which in turn has become instrumental in ushering in wellness and growth among the poor and marginalized families in the District. Over eight thousand rural mothers are benefiting from this women empowerment project.

Majhipara Ambedkar Centre for Human Research and Development (MACHRD)


Activities related to yearly awareness campaigns:

i) Anti Child Labour awareness campaigns are organized through rally by school children at the Panchayat (village) level, winding through village lanes and bylanes appealing to elders, social leaders and owners of small establishments to respect and value the rights of children especially to education and health and desist from engaging them as labourers.
ii) Anti Illiteracy awareness campaigns are organized every year in villages through rallies by school children, urging mothers, dropout girls and illiterate adults to complete basic education. ANTI CHILD LABOUR RALLY
iii) Anti Human Trafficking & Safe Migration campaigns are conducted through rallies and workshops, involving mothers and adolescent girls so that they become aware and spread the message of the evil impact of human trafficking, especially children and unsafe migration to unknown destinations for livelihood. In this activity, the local Authority (Panchayat), the Police and CBOs work in close coordination for prevention and education.
iv) Anti Drug and Alcohol consumption campaign is organized every year through rallies, lectures and workshops and community counseling towards elimination of these social evils.
v) Environment Day awareness is created among the villagers through green plantation and inculcating habits of avoiding plastics and use of green energy. In this activity, the services of mothers in SHGs are roped in for spreading the message of pollution free environment and encouragement in harnessing solar energy, bio-gas etc.


As an article of faith, Majhipara Ambedkar Centre for Human Research and Development (MACHRD) has always practiced the principle of love thy neighbor through active participation in and organization of important local and State level events, festivals and celebrations. The goal and objective being to break walls and barriers of human respects among different communities and integrate into a replicable homogenous society. Some of the major festivities celebrated with the communities are:

i) Birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda – 12th January as the National Youth Day.
ii) International Women’s Day – 8th March
iii) World Health Day – 7th April
iv) Birth anniversary of Dr B.R.Ambedkar – 14th April, the Patron of MACHRD
v) Birth anniversary of Poet Nobel laureate Guru Rabindranath Tagore – 8th May,
vi) Anti Child Labour Day – 12th June
vii) Teachers’ Day – 5th Sept
viii) Children Day – 14th Nov

Contact info

185-D Majhipara Road, Thakurpukur,
Phone +91-9073480040
Email :
Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM

Dr B.R. AMBEDKAR Majhipara Ambedkar Centre for Human Research and Development (MACHRD) got registered (S/1L/26596 of 2004-2005) in the forenoon of 10th January 2005 as a not-for–profit Non-Govt Organisation under the Society’s Act 1961